Category Archives: 2024 season

Rainy days

We have sheltered in a bay, where we have been before. We took a walkalong the beach to the reef at low tide. The rain has started, so what do we do on rainy days? We reupholster the seating. It is taking us a long long long time, nothing is straight, neither square and we haven’t choose the easiest pattern, but we have now completed the cushions seats and now have just started on the backs.

Deja vu

Tonga doesn’t like Imagine or Imagine doesn’t like Tonga. I’m not sure which one. When I was here in 2019 the engine salt water pump stopped working and the Gopro camera that we use mostly for underwater videos and pictures, died. I had to get replacement ones sent from New Zealand. Funny but not funny this is happening again: the saltwater pump is leaking, which means it needs to be replaced as we cannot run the engine without that cooling water pump; and guess what?  the Gopro didn’t survived an accidental underwater case opening. Luckily my brother and family are coming soon to Tonga to meet up with us and they are kind enough to bring those items from New Zealand.

We have no more ham on the bone left and B keeps eyeing up the local pigs as we go down the road. She can only get close enough to take pictures. If you come across a three legged pig it may be that B caught it. The whole pig would be too much for our freezer. In Tonga pigs are like the cows in India, they roam free in the street.

B has been talking to locals and other boaties, which help us to find a place to buy a leg of lamb and some chicken breasts. The lady at the shop said that what was available now is all they have and the next shipment would be in two months. Also this morning B asked a local fishermen who was passing by Imagine in his dinghy,  chasing a school of mackerel  if he could catch some for us and he came back an hour later offering us two mackerel which I fileted straight away. This is Christmas in July!

After two days anchored in Neiafu, getting fuel and food we have had enough. Despite the winter season it is quite warm and humide here and we needed a swim, so we have moved back to Vaku’Eitu Island. There is a storm coming and this bay should give us shelter. 


Starlink has a six month contract with Tonga, so we have internet back. We have uploaded new photos for the last three blogs, so look back at them.

We are back in Neiafu to stock up with fresh veggies. This is when we discovered the saltwater pump (cooling for the engine) is leaking about 1ltr per hour. Luckily my brother is flying to Neiafu next week and hopefully can bring parts.

Aqua water

We left Ofu island and headed back to Euakafa island. This time we went in from the south, through the reef and anchored on the West Side. This is where we saw the best Coral and range of fish in Tonga so far. There are plate Coral 3m across and fish of all sizes. We walked the beach and meet up with Makito who lives on the island. B found lots of big shells on the beach. The anchorage was well sheltered until the wind turned more north. This put us side on the the waves which made it a bit rolly at high tide. Our next stop was the Blue Lagoon. Everyone said we had to go there. After navigating the narrow passage in we anchored in the middle of the lagoon. We were well sheltered and low tide left the water like glass. We were surprised that the snorkeling was very poor. The lagoon was beautiful untill high tide, when the waves crashed over the reef making it another rolly night. Early this morning we hauled anchor and went in search of calmer waters. As we got out of the lagoon we came across two lots of whales cruising through, so we stopped and watched for a while. We then headed to Port Maurelle, where we have been before, and knowing it would be a quiet night there. After anchoring we jumped into the clear water for a Snorkel. We found a bommie full of fish which kept our attention for a long time. This afternoon we took the dinghy and explored the famous Swallow Cave. This is a stop everyone should make. The afternoon sun beamed into the cave lighting up the aqua water. The cathedral like cave towers above the beautiful clear water. Below the water is a large school of fish making patterns as they swerl around. We will be back to see this again.

And the sun goes down

The gentle rock of Imagine. The warm sun on our backs. We gaze out across the Bay, watching the waves crash on the reef. A glass of wine and a bowl of nuts. Pointing out the turtles peering out of the water as we scan the Bay looking for whales. After Bastille day we sailed to Mafane island for the night and then moved on to Kenutu island where we had been before.
On the way to Kenutu we stopped in a bay on east side of Ofu island to see if it was worth coming back to when the wind changed. As we cruised the Bay we found a mother Whale and her calf also checking out the Bay. I was up the mast and B was at the helm when she spotted something coming out of water, I straight away told her that it was a whale . She put the engine out of gear and glide slowly across the Bay. B got a couple of photos but just the tail (we will had them when we will have Internet again).
This morning we took the dinghy across to the neighbouring island (Umuna)and walked the track across it. On our way back to Imagine we did some snorkeling. This afternoon we headed across to Ofu island (our whales Bay) for more snorkeling and a walk along the beach.
There are no whales here at the moment, but we are still scanning the Bay as the sun goes down.

Happy Bastille Day

This morning after breakfast B raised the French flag and saluted Bastille Day. We then went ashore to explore. There was a set of concrete stairs that lead up the cliff side. At the top there was a mandarins tree and several cow trails through the scrub. We eventually came across a dirt road and local farming paddocks. As it took an hour to get to the road we decided to head back to Imagine for a swim and lunch. This afternoon we did a few Paint jobs and rowed to other boats in the Bay to socialise. It’s always interesting to listen to other boaties stories. 

No internet

This may be our last blog for a while as Tonga has ordered Starlink to cut off all internet services in the Tongan area. That leaves us with no emails, no blog, no weather updates.

Landline internet (buying a sim card) in Vavau is very slow and patchy as the underwater data pipeline has been damaged.

our plan was to sail north to Isle of Wallis then to Fiji. That may change and just sail to Fiji.

We will post again when we can

Paradise break

It even rains in Paradise. The forecast for the next 5 days are high winds and rain. There isn’t much to do in these conditions except find somewhere very sheltered and sit it out. What a dream life being stuck in a boat with the wind whistling and the rain falling. No visibility to go snorkeling, just play cards and wait.

We first chose a bay sheltered from the wind but the waves crept in. Disappointed by our choice we end up in Neiafu Harbour with 30 ofher boats. No safe mooring boy available, but we found a well sheltered anchorage a bit away from the crowdy city side. There has been a break in the rain, long enough for us to get ashore and buy some fresh fruit and vegetables. We think we will stay here until the bad weather passed. But as usual we take it day by day and see what happens.

Lots to talk about

Tuesday 2nd was another work day this time below the water. I used the dive gear as it was time to clean the barnacles off the hull. The hull wasn’t too bad, as Fabien and Nolwenn had previously done some cleaning.

Wednesday we moved around the corner to the next bay and spent a couple of days swiming and exploring. We went ashore where all the fishing boats were tied up, but nobody was around. The village was further along the road. We did however find a large spider and some pretty butterflies.

Friday and Saturday were supposed to be days with very little wind, so hauled anchor and did a bit more exploring. There are a lot of places that can only be accessed when the weather conditions are right. The first stop was supposed to be Mounu Island where we will meet up with Darren and Chrissy later this month, but we anchored around the corner of the next Island Avalau. We went to Mounu by dinghy and were greated by the two dogs from the resort. They escorted us as we had a look around the island.

Then after lunch, we cruised past several islands and bays. Some of them too hard for us to get to with Imagine, others too exposed to wind or swell conditions. After thirteen nautical miles we ended up South of Matamaka Island.

The anchorage wasn’t as protected as it looked. After a rolly night we hauled anchor and headed back to an island we couldn’t access yesterday because of the wind. Today we managed to anchor on a shelf 8m deep. Ten meters to the left it was 35m deep and twenty meters to the right it was 3m deep.

We took the dinghy ashore and walked the very short beach before snorkeling. The snorkeling was the best we have seen in Tonga. The water was crystal clear, there was new coral growth and lots of fish.

The anchorage was not suitable for an overnight stay so we have moved to a safer and sheltered spot for the night. We like playing cards while having our evening drinks. Sometimes it’s calm enough to play on deck.

Work day

It was 20kts south easterly wind, so there wasn’t much to do except take shelter. We were already in a very sheltered bay, only receiving 3kts of wind. B masked up the front deck and starboard side while I started painting. It took till 3:00pm, but all the deck has now been painted. There is only the trim around the toe rails to finish. That was enough for today.