Saturday 11th June
The weather has turned cold and it’s predicted to continue for a week. High winds and swell in the mornings dropping off late afternoon means we at least get sleep at night. This is keeping the water visibility to a minimum, which means poor snorkeling. So we have decided to head to Airlie early.
We left Thomas this morning and sailed across to Shaw Island. To make Shaw we had the wind and swell, off our back quarter. As we reached Shaw Andrew got Toni (on the helm) to point Imagine towards the wind, as if we were going to head South. We pounded into the waves for a few minutes then we turned north. Everyone was amazed at the difference between pounding into the waves and sailing with them. How quiet everything became. How fast we were going (6.5 knts) with little sail up, yet everything felt calm.
Upon rounding the point Jack and Toni were told they had to pick a place and anchor Imagine on their own. Jack dropped the main, then they took Imagine from one end of the bay to the other checking for the most sheltered place to anchor. They chose well.
After anchoring we had lunch and spent the afternoon chilling out. As the wind dropped both Liz and Jack ventured into the water. It wasn’t the water temperature that was a problem more the wind chill factor when getting out.
The weather has turned cold and it’s predicted to continue for a week. High winds and swell in the mornings dropping off late afternoon means we at least get sleep at night. This is keeping the water visibility to a minimum, which means poor snorkeling. So we have decided to head to Airlie early.
We left Thomas this morning and sailed across to Shaw Island. To make Shaw we had the wind and swell, off our back quarter. As we reached Shaw Andrew got Toni (on the helm) to point Imagine towards the wind, as if we were going to head South. We pounded into the waves for a few minutes then we turned north. Everyone was amazed at the difference between pounding into the waves and sailing with them. How quiet everything became. How fast we were going (6.5 knts) with little sail up, yet everything felt calm.
Upon rounding the point Jack and Toni were told they had to pick a place and anchor Imagine on their own. Jack dropped the main, then they took Imagine from one end of the bay to the other checking for the most sheltered place to anchor. They chose well.
After anchoring we had lunch and spent the afternoon chilling out. As the wind dropped both Liz and Jack ventured into the water. It wasn’t the water temperature that was a problem more the wind chill factor when getting out.
- fbt