Author Archives: Andrew

Hectick day

We were up at 6.30 had breakfast on the foredeck, then we were off. I released the mooring and Emma guided Imagine out of Port Vila, gliding through the still water. When we got out into the Bay the easterly wind we had been waiting for for two weeks, had kicked in. This gave us a nice sail. There was 30 minutes of 1m swell then it dropped back to less than half a metre.
Port Havana is quite deep right up to the shore. We found ourselves a section of shore that has a shelf to anchor on. Once anchored, the motor off, sailcovers on, there was only one thing we could do. Jump in the water to cool off, from this 35c air. Well we got wet. The water temperature is 30c, so we got worn out trying to swim.
That left us the busiest time after lunch. It was so hectic. Lying in the sun, jumping in the water, lying in the shade, jumping in the water. We are just worn out.

Early morning

We were up early this morning. Breakfast was served on the foredeck with a blue sky and a touch of breeze.
After breakfast we took the laundry ashore and left it to be done and went off to the market. Not all the stalls were set up so we went for a stroll through town. We stopped at the information centre. We went back to the markets and got some fruit and veg, Emma bought a skirt and we headed back.
Back onboard we realised it was now only 9.30. So there was plenty of time to do a few repair jobs. After lunch we meet up with Tony and Dannie before we ventured back to Customs to get our cruising permit.
Back on Imagine and we are just chilling watching the sun go down.

Day 1

We got plenty of sleep last night. This morning it was play the book in with customs game.
First we emailed our arrival. Then we called on the VHF, and again, and again.Then we phoned, and got put though to 3 departments before someone said come ashore and catch a bus to the customs building.
We set off rowing and luckily got a tow ashore by a passing local. Then Yachting World took us across the harbour to customs. They asked if it was us calling on the VHF this morning. I said yes and she smiled and carried on with her work. She asked if I had sent the arrival papers through by email before we got there. I said yes. She said oh the customs email didn’t work. I said I also sent it to Paul. She asked Paul at the next desk. He looked through his emails and yes he got it. But he didn’t reply because a lot of boats have been emailing and he didn’t want to reply to any. I thought that was his job but could be wrong.
Then it was on to imagration. Then on to bio security. We were told to come ashore and catch a bus and now he is asking if we have covid or any other contagious illnesses. He then told us he had to come and see Imagine.
So back we went. We then got a call on the VHF saying to meet the bio guy onshore with all our rubbish and fresh food.
We hauled anchor and moved into the marina and then rowed to shore with the rubbish and food. I was told wrong so I rowed back to Imagine while he followed in a motorboat. Onboard he wanted all the fresh food. Then he was going to take all our frozen meat and dairy products (cheese, butter and milk). I eventually talked him out of that and he left.
Being officially allowed to go ashore we headed to the closest restaurant for lunch. Next was get a SIM card. This afternoon Iris and Tony vacated the boat heading off on their own ways leaving Emma and I to chill out.
This evening we are sitting out on deck the sun has gone down and there is a light breeze cooling us down after a 34 degree day. The restaurant across the way has a live back serenading us.

What a night

Last night was a case of more tacking and not getting very far. We were being hammered by 2 to 2.5m waves and the wind rocked from 25 to 30 knots. This morning the waves reached 3.5m.
Everyone is tired. We got little sleep and for the girls it was a new experience and both discovered they do get sea sick. Tony and I took double shifts, our own and sat with Emma and Iris on their shifts.
This morning as is got light we saw the outboard motor was gone off the back of Imagine. One of the many waves that hit us during the night must have tore it off its mount. Its the first time I mounted it on the outside. That was because the safety gear (droug) was mounted on the inside. I wonder how much outboards are in Vanuatu.

On our way

Officially we are not in New Zealand. We cleared through customs this morning. Unfortunately the wind has been more northerly than easterly. This has meant we have been talking all day and only reach Whanagparaoa where everyone boarded Imagine two nights ago. We are not allowed to stop and rest over night anywhere. So we are continuing.

Safety first

After a decent sleep from everyone on board and breakfast eaten, it was time for the safety briefing on the Imagine. Andrew covered everything we would need to know and then included a real life, life jacket deployment. This consisted of jumping in the icy NZ waters with the life jacket on and then pulling the cord inflating them. After some delicious lunch we refuelled, pulled the dinghy onboard and put the sails up. We each took turns at the helm, learning the ropes 😉 in preparation for take off tomorrow morning once customs is cleared.
(Story by Emma)

The gangs all here

We started the day packing more pre made dinners ready for the trip. Then we hauled anchor and sailed around to the southern side of the peninsula. Here we cleaned the boat and prepared for the new crew.
The crew had a long day as the ferries had stopped running, so Tony and Emma came by Uber and Iris by bus. Sue was still onboard to meet them when they arrived but left soon after, as her ride arrived. Sue is staying with friends Dannie and Greg for a few days. Sue is not coming to Vanuatu this season, but staying in NZ.
After eating Sue’s cottage pie, we all sat around getting to know each other.

One day to go

Almost there. Today Sue finished off all the prepared meals for the trip.
Yesterday I installed a new start battery. Unfortunately it was faulty. It would not start Imagine. So this morning the battery guy brought back the old start battery and took away the faulty one. He will bring a new battery tomorrow.
It was a challenge getting ashore to swap batteries. We have had winds in excess of 30knt for most of the day and a metre to 1.5 metre of swell. I had to time it just right surfing the waves into shore. Then getting back was even more fun. Trying to drive the dinghy over the pounding waves. No, I didn’t stay very dry.
Back on Imagine I started the engine to charge up the batteries as there has been no sun for the solar panels.
Next problem. The lock on the toilet door broke. I thought I needed to fix it as I don’t think the new crew would like to use the toilet when the door won’t shut.
There was no way get back to shore (no beach left) with the waves crashing onto the break wall. Luckily a friend I phoned was going to Bunnings. I sent him a picture of a lock what I think will work. He will get it to me tomorrow night.
Tomorrow we may have to move to the other side of the peninsula if the weather turns northerly as forecast. We are just waiting for the right weather to sail to Vanuatu but may have to go to Bay of Islands and sign out of there.

We passed!

We headed to shore with lots to do this morning. Sue went off with the laundry while I went to get the gas bottle filled. I had just enough time to get back to Imagine with the gas bottle and connect it when Owen (the CAT1 inspector) called to say he was on shore. I picked him up in the dinghy and he started his inspection. An hour later he signed off Imagine as having all the safety equipment and in good order. We are good to go. Well, almost.
It was 1pm by the time the laundry was ready. I took it all back to the boat while Sue went off to the supermarket for more stock for the boat.
I spent the afternoon fixing a small diesel leak. It was evening by the time Sue returned and it took two trips in the dinghy to get all the provisions on board Imagine. We are stocking up for six months as we don’t know what we will be able to get in Vanuatu other than fresh fruit and veg. But after 2 cyclones even that may not be available.
Three days before the crew arrive and still a few things to do and as usual, the weather has other plans for us with high winds, swell and rain for the next few days.

A step closer

Monday 24th April
Another busy day today. With Darren’s help I took the dinghy to his shed where we cleaned, prepared, masked and then painted a red UV protection on the dinghy. That took all day to apply 4 coats. Now it needs to cure for 2 days. This means kayaking to and from shore which is interesting in 15 to 20 knot winds!
Sue was on Imagine repacking the bulk food into containers and vacuum sealed bags and stowing into compartments itemising as she went so we know where to find things!