Author Archives: Andrew

The storm

Tuesday 20th September
Sunday we headed across the Bay of Islands to a sheltered bay on the North side. By the time we had reached this bay we were in 15kt winds, but as we entered the bay there was hardly a ripple on the water. We thought we would be well protected against the coming winds.
Yesterday it hit us. We don’t know what the winds were outside but in this sheltered bay the wind coming over the hill was gusting over 30kts. This continued well into the night, pulling Imagine back and forth on the anchor. All we could do in this cold temperature was the light the heater, making it nice and warm while we watched movies.
This morning the wind had subsided and only the rain affected us. We are certainly glad we weren’t still crossing the Tasman.
There seems to be a westerly developing on Friday, so then we will make a run to Auckland if it develops. In the meantime tomorrow we will find another bay to have a look at and shelter in.

A hit and run

Sunday 4th September
On Friday we had a visit from cousin Greg. He has just finished MCing a couple of seminars in Brisbane and had some spare time. It was good to catch up as we hadn’t seen each other in almost four years.
In the afternoon we are heading up to Caloundra to see Amie, Ben and the grandkids. It will be the last time we will see them for a while, as we will be setting sail for New Zealand this week.
Today we returned to Imagine to find a couple of scratches on the bow and Imagine was further into the river than we left her. It looks like while we were enjoying time with the kids, someone has hit us and dragged the anchor.
Don’t be silly! No they didn’t leave a note. They just did a runner.

Best laid plans

Thursday 1st September
There is a weather window opening mid next week, giving us good weather for a run to NZ. Unfortunately last night we heard back from one of the crew who were joining us has decided not to come. Rebecca has got on a boat up north and doesn’t want to head to cold NZ. We don’t blame her we are not looking forward to the cold. We would rather be sailing north as well.
So it’s back to looking for another crew member and another weather window.

A waiting game

Friday 26th August
We haven’t done a lot in the last 9 days. It’s mainly been laundry, organising and boat maintenance. We have organised two crew to join us sailing to New Zealand, Rebecca and Tony (not a couple). They are both on standby, ready to go when the weather is right.
We just have to do all the paperwork and wait for the weather. Next week there is a storm coming up the Tasman Sea bringing waves averaging 6.8m. So we will see what comes after that.
It’s a 10 to 14 day trip so we have to get the weather right.

Home again

Wednesday 17th August
The wind started to get up this morning, blowing straight into the bay, so we hauled anchor and headed across the bay to Brisbane.
As we cruised up the Brisbane River we noticed there was still not as many boats as before the flood. The ferries were not stopping at all the terminals due to damage. The council is hoping they can get all terminals repaired by December.
Once again our parking spot was waiting for us. We now have to get used to the ferries and party boats passing by. Some of the ferry skippers have tooted and waved to say welcome back.
Over the next few weeks we will do some more maintenance, stock the boat, take the bedding and towels to the laundromat and see the grandkids.

Brampton Island

Sunday 31st July
This morning Safia and Bram were up at sparrow’s fart and watched the sunrise. “Why is everyone having breakfast so early?” came from Sandra at 7.30am. I think she thought it was Sunday sleep in.
By 10am Safia, Bram and Sandra were off to explore the island’s tracks. They arrived back about 12.30 ready for lunch. Sue had made pancakes, blueberries and bacon for lunch.
Another lazy afternoon and getting the boat ready to set sail. The first long sail, two overnights and three days against the wind although the winds should be lighter. We are aiming for Middle Percy for a few days stop over

Got the flu

Tuesday 19th July
Sandra has been onboard for a week now and we are still anchored in Airlie Beach. We have all had the flu to some degree, but that hasn’t stopped us going out sailing, it’s been the bad weather.
Despite all that we have been ashore most days getting the boat stocked ready to go as soon as the other crew arrive on Wednesday.

New crew

Wednesday 13th July
It started out at the reef. Toni got crook then Jack. Sue was next and now Andrew got the runny nose and blocked sinuses.
Yesterday Sandra joined us as our new crew member, going to sail with us back to Brisbane. We also had a quick visit from Lydia, who was on her way from Sydney to Cairns. It was good to have a full boat for lunch. Everyone was swapping contacts, what to do and where to go.
This morning it was haera ra toToni and Jack as they left us for the second time. They were heading north to Townsville, then to Cairns where they will stop a few days before flying to Indonesia.
Not long after Sue and Sandra headed ashore, but the wind and waves had got up making it interesting. As they set off through the waves Sandra heard some people yelling and looked over to see people on a yacht that was just tying up to a mooring, waving to come to them. They shouted and pointed to something floating in the water not far from their yacht. The guy had dropped his wallet overboard while hooking the mooring. Sue drove the dinghy up to the object and Sandra scooped it out of the water.
It was a wallet. After checking to see how much cash was in the wallet, the girls were off to the shops.
Ah NO!
Sue then maneuvered the dinghy alongside the yacht and Sandra threw the wallet into their dinghy much to the delight of its grateful owner. With their good deed done for the day they headed into town, returning with new footware, some groceries and a part for the boat.
After lunch it was the customary laze around all afternoon.

Bucking bronco

Tuesday 28 June
The weather turned on a doozey for taking Toni, Jack and Liz ashore. Andrew was the first in the dinghy riding the waves as he poured petrol into the outboard and got the dinghy ready for departure. Then came Toni and Jack with their “body bag” and backpacks duly covered with a tarp (We all knew it was going to be a wet ride!). They rode the messy seas holding on as the waves crashed over them with the faint echoes of Yee Haaaaa following them from Sue standing on the bow of Imagine. Once dropped off at the boat ramp they made their way to the bus terminal, normally a pleasant short walk but would have seemed like miles with their bags.
Due to currently unfavorable weather conditions Toni and Jack are travelling north to continue their adventures, first to Townsville where they will catch up with Jesse and Emma on “All the Stars” who we met on our trip up.
Andrew returned to Imagine totally drenched ready for his next thrilling daredevil ride to shore, this time with Liz who is travelling to Melbourne to spend time with family. Another exciting ride to shore followed. After dropping off Liz and her bags Andrew returned and quickly dried off and changed into some warm clothes.
Early afternoon it was our turn as we had booked the outboard in for its service. By this time the wind and waves had much eased, our issue was to make it to shore whilst there was still enough tide to get ashore (there are some particularly low tides at the moment so timing our shore visits around these is important). Andrew caught a cab to Cannonvale with the outboard whilst Sue went shopping. Once he dropped this off he caught the bus back to Airlie Beach. The tide was too low for about another 1.5 hours so we decided to have a cuppa and some hot chips down at the beach. Finally, enough water to get the dinghy out and back to Imagine. Tomorrow we reverse the process when we go to pick up the outboard.

Haere ra, catch ya

We’ve come to the end of our run here on Imagine, but what a run it has been! It’s crazy to think how much we’ve fit into just 7 weeks, despite the weather trying to derail our plans. We will miss not just boat life, but this boat life – onboard Imagine with Andrew and Sue. We have learnt so much about sailing (with no query being too silly), which has made us question the sanity of these two letting us behind the wheel initially! We have gotten to see and experience amazing places, guided by Andrew and Sue’s knowledge meaning the weather never seemed too big an issue as there was always a bay paradise to escape into. We’ve refined our poker faces (and probably gained some trust issues) over some intense games of Monopoly Deal. And we’ve eaten incredibly well, with the apparent never ending supply of Whittaker’s and Tim Tam’s being a real comfort for us kiwis.
So a huge thank you to Andrew and Sue for the adventure and for making us feel so at home on Imagine!
Cheers, Jack, Liz & Toni