No ice cream

The wind has been up all night and all day. So this morning after breakfast we all went ashore and walk around the island to the marina. Austin kept his shirt on all day, to cover up his sunburn from yesterday. After walking around the resort we went for a shower. We may as well use their water.

After showering we sat on the veranda and had lunch. Austin then went off to take more pictures while B and I sat on the grass killing time.

When Austin got back we headed to the shop for our ice cream tasting. OMG they were out of Kapiti ice cream. Call the authorities! How dare they run out out of our ice cream?

Reluctantly we trudged back to the dinghy via the coast. On the way back I attacked a palm tree with a long stick, obviously loosening the coconut, because when Austin had a go, the coconut fell to the ground. The tide was still out by the time we got back so I had to drag the dinghy across the reef. Back on Imagine we all went for a swim.

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