Awei update

No Awei didn’t get hit hard by the cyclones, but they did get hit. Their main house where they sheltered in hand the window/shutters blown in. One house blown away and others with minor damage. Sovren has requested we get some nails for him to do repairs. We should be able to pick up nails in Port Vila. Yes their veggie gardens we distoyed. Most of their trees survived. I haven’t seen any bananas still standing. Coconut and pompellos are still good. Awei received government assistance and has now got two 300ltr water tanks collecting water off the main house. Sovren said they did well, most of the wind came from the other side of the island.
Sent from Iridium Mail & Web.

One response on “Awei update

  1. Tony

    Wow! I suppose we should be thankful that it wasn’t worse. Is there anything we can do from Oz. I’m happy to mail things if it’ll get there.
    I hope you and Emma are doing well.

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