
Last night just on dusk, we dropped the main to reef to number 2 for safety during the night. Once the main was down and reef set, I waited for Tony to point into the wind so I could tighten the sail. I could see him turning the wheel back and forth and that we weren’t going anywhere. Now, I know the engine is on because I turned it on before coming out on deck. I know what’s happening! I headed back to the cockpit where Tony told me he’s got it at high reves. I quietly said you need to put it in gear. I think we are all a little tired.
As the evening went on the squalls started. It was the choppiest night we have had. None of us got any sleep.
Today was a bit of an avarage day, but in the right direction. We now have 4 days to go.
Sent from Iridium Mail & Web.

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