Monday 16th August.
Lydia finally had enough of her shaggy hair. While dropping off a dive tank to Serenade, she commissioned the teenagers Georgia and Stephanie to cut her hair. Armed with a pair of scissors each, they chopped off the birds nest. Next were the shearers that Steph weilded with (minimal) confidence. Turned out alright for a free haircut, much to everyones surprise. Can recommend the Serenade Hairstylists.
This morning we left Butterfly bay and headed off shore far enough to empty the holding tank. We made water and a loaf of bread on the way back to shore. This time we tied up at a mooring in Luncheon bay.
After lunch we did the obligatory trip to Manta Ray bay in the dinghy. With everyone in the water the fish surrounded us. It’s always amazing swimming through schools of fish and have others come so close you can touch them.
Back on Imagine it was time for Pass the Pigs (a game of chance played with pigs instead of dice). Freya won the first round. In the second round Lydia was ahead of all of us with only a few throws to go. She threw the luckiest pigs on the next throw. It required a heated discussion and a zoomed in photo to prove the pigs weren’t touching (you lose all your points if the pigs are touching), but there was the slightest of gaps and Lydia went on to take the second round.
- Vito