Lucky guys

This morning we experienced a crasy scene. A crew member from a nearby boat was returning to his boat. He lost control of the dinghy and fell overboard. He didn’t have the cutout switch attached, so the outboard motor continued at full throttle. The out of control dinghy danced dangerously between the boats for about 15 minutes. Several of us jumped into our dinghies to try and help. One dinghy pulled the guy out of the water only to be knocked back into the water by the wayward dinghy. They were lucky they weren’t cut to pieces as the dinghy drove over them.

We tried running floating lines across in front of it, hoping the propeller would tangle and stop the engine. That didn’t work, we couldn’t get close enough. Eventually the dinghy hit a catamaran and spun into the bridle/snubber, which stopped the engine.

The original guy was the only one injured and he was lucky to get away with only small scratches to his head. It could have been a lot worse.

The rest of the day has been quite boring.

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