Day 5 (hallucinations)

Ìm not sure if it’s the sea sick pills their taking or they are just crazy. Berengere saw a crocodile in the sky, confirmed by Connie. John saw 3 mermaids and an angry Sirene during his watch. That just leaves Pauline and I as the sane ones.

We are still making our way north east. We have been able to sail today as the wind has shifted and increased. The water temperature has risen from 18degrees when we were in Auckland to 24 degrees out here in mid Pacific. It’s just a normal day out at sea.

One response on “Day 5 (hallucinations)

  1. Darren

    Great to hear all is going well and it’s warming up for ya out there! We’re about to head to the cold so very envious. Loving the daily update and good photos. Enjoy the smooth sailing now the engine is off.

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