Another First

we started the morning with coffee then B and I did our morning swim around the boat, while Alex and Gina finished their coffee. While swimming we both felt stings like mosquito bites. We head been bitten by sea lice. As soon as we were out of the water we sprayed our selves with vinegar. That kills the poison and stops the welts apearing. After breakfast we all hopped in the dinghy and headed across to the reef for some snorkeling.

That’s when it happened. Another First for Imagine. In the five years of sailing the Pacific and swimming most days no one has been stung by a jellyfish. Sea lice, yes, but no stinging jelly fish. Who else but B? The jellyfish tentacles wrapped across her shoulder and down her arm. There were a few stings across her chest, stomach and upper leg. We got her into the dinghy and sprayed her with vinegar. By the time we were back on Imagine the welts had appeared. There was nothing more we could do to alleviate her pain. We kept applying vinegar and rubbing ice cubes across her body. The pain started to subside after one and a half hour. This evening B still has pain in the arm but not as severe. A glass of wine should help, she said. Anyway we had a chance to see some nice little electric blue fish and a big starfish same color.

Tonight Gina is preparing dinner:We will have fajitas with chicken. Now fish has been added to the menu, as a local fisherman stopped and gave us a parrot fish in exchange for some outboard fuel.

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