We escaped

Friday 22nd July
The weather has finally changed. Everyone was up early this morning, Bram watched the sunrise from on deck. We waited till after breakfast then we were off. Sails up, just a slight problem. There was only 5 knots of wind. That wasn’t going to stop us getting out of Airlie.
Motor on and off at 5knts. It only took half an hour before the wind got up to 10knt then 15. Sails back and motor off we sailed for 3 hours at about 8knts with Safia at the helm, navigating between other boats and made it to Luncheon bay in time for lunch.
After lunch Andrew, Sandra, Safia & Bram headed off in the dinghy. It was a surprise seeing two Mantarays chasing a school of fish on our way to the next bay. Andrew hadn’t told them what to expect in the next bay.
Everyone’s faces lit up when we tied up at a buoy and they looked over the side of the dinghy. So many fish. They slipped into the water and fish of all sizes surrounded them.
On the way back to Imagine Safia and Bram jumped back into the water and chased the two Mantarays still catching their dinner.
Sundowners on the back deck completed a great day.
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