Sunday 1st August The alarm was set for 7:30 am for Lydia and Andrew to head to the Sailing club, it was time to really learn how to sail. Couple of youtube videos later she was ready. They hired an open bic from the local Sailing Club, which is basically a dinghy with a sail attached. Andrew stayed in the safety of Imagine’s dinghy and towed Lydia out of the marina. Out in the water and detached from Andrew, there was a howling 2kts of wind. Finding what direction the wind was coming from was the hardest part of putting theory into practice. With direction from Andrew, Lydia found enough wind to get out to Imagine and back. After a couple of hours the wind picked up to ~5kts and she could really get going.
As well as being a bit of fun Lydia was able to see how to set the sails as she moved the boat to different positions against the wind. She also discovered how much pressure was on the rudder, as it was a tiller not a helm. It was far easier playing with wind angles in a 2m Bic instead of a 17m Imagine.