Surprise! Lydia didn’t go for a swim this morning. Instead Andrew and Lydia decided to go for a hike up the hill to see if they could get any internet to check the weather. Shortly before they were due to go we heard a call over the radio from Serenade to see if Casana were heading ashore as Waty (Steve’s wife) was keen to go for a walk. Andrew radioed Serenade to say he and Lydia were going ashore if they wanted to join us walking over the island. Waty and Stephanie (one of their daughters) were keen to go so Andrew and Lydia picked them up on the way to the beach.
Off we went up the side of the hill across the ridge and down the other side stopping part way down. Waty and Andrew stopped half way down. Lydia had seen there was a hill jutting out from the coast. It didn’t have a pile of rocks on top of it like all the hills on the island. Looking at the steep rocky sides to the hill you could understand why no one had put a pyramid of rocks on it. And Lydia was off. We watched as she went down the hill through the scrub, clambered across the rocks and scaled the cliff face. Making it to the top she gathered up rocks and made a pyramid, declaring it to be Mount Lydia.
As we came down the hill we could see Steve and Georgia (their other daughter) were on the beach along with Ross and Georgia from Casana. On the way back we discovered that Waty had never skinnydipped but had wanted to. So we convinced her there is no time like the present. Reaching the beach Lydia dropped her backpack and peeled off her clothes as she ran down the beach and dived into the water naked. Andrew was right behind her. With everyone else on the beach Waty got cold feet and and went swiming in bra and pants.
Most of the others headed off for a walk up the end of the beach. It was lunchtime so Andrew and Lydia got in the dinghy to head back to Imagine. As they did they saw Steve had convinced Waty to go for it. And she did. She stripped off and was in the water right behind us. Good on her.
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