GPS: 16 46.636S 179 20.085E
Run: 219.3nm (396.9km)
Avg: 4.3knts
24hr: 103.7nm
We made it! Arrived at 1:00pm and were guided to a mooring ball outside the marina. 16 pages and many $$$ later, Customs, Immigration, Health and Bio security cleared us into Fiji by 4:00pm.
A quick trip into town turned into a long trip into town, as we discovered we had a can of bad petrol and the outboard wouldn’t run. We then rowed ashore to find the shops closed at 5:00, guess what it was now 5:30. So tomorrow is a trip to get a new fuel filter, internet sim card, food supplies, etc.
Early night for all of us as we’re all stuffed!